Sunday, May 6, 2012


I'm having trouble loading my pictures into picmonkey...anyone else?
It keeps telling me to reload my browser?  I'm nervous putting my pictures online without my name on them....I've got to be honest.   I need to learn how to make a copyright symbol.

Anyhoo...I painted a glorious rainbow of canvases last week.  They are all 8 x 10 and I handpainted the words and slightly distressed them.  They make me smile:)

Ava and I had a Mother/Daughter art show locally today...we had a good time together!

I have a few of the canvases left too...I'll try to get them my etsy shop tomorrow :)

How was your weekend?  :)



  1. I wish that I would've gotten more accomplished this weekend. But, I'm grateful for the time to relax. =)

    I LUV your artwork!!! =)


  2. your canvases are perfecto!! i love the sayings, especially the one about not throwing a fit :)

  3. Your painting are beautiful! I love the green one - I say that all of the time! I just started blogging a couple of weeks ago, and when I chose my blog name (Life Made Joyful), I knew that 'joy' had to be a part of it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations with us!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)