Monday, June 25, 2012

Around the house today...

We are on day four of being cooped up inside due to Tropical Storm Debby.
The rain clouds seem to have made a permanent home over Central Florida, and we are doing our best to stay entertained while inside.
It's been cozy and fun, but we are ready for some sunshine!



  1. Kisses from Katie is on my list to read! :)

  2. Added a bunch of books to my list! Loving all your creations, Chrissie!:) Lori

  3. Stay safe and PLEASE send Debbie our way! It was 107 here today! No rain in sight! (We were hoping she would head our direction and give us a little rain!)

  4. a cozy day sounds nice right about now! have fun :)

  5. Are those bracletts for me??? :)

  6. love this post!! just a had a woman ask me about pillows so i came over to grab your link and had to check in with you! :)
    nice to see you.


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