Thursday, January 24, 2013

My week in photos...

I guess you could call this a photo dump.
If you're on IG then you've seen these...if not, jump on the bandwagon.  It's fun!
I'm @ChrissieGrace if you wanna be IG friends :)

So, my custom pillows are back in full force.
I love how this set for sisters turned colorful!

My favorite four year old made me a Valentine.  I love him.

My man and I went on a much needed date night.  We ate at the most amazing restaurant and came home to an empty house.  The kids had a Grandma sleepover and we watched a movie and slept like rockstars.

My minimalist approach to Valentine decorating this year.

There is an awesome new class at my gym called Barre.
This old-lady ballerina loves it.

I'm back on a smoothie kick.  
It varies everyday but I always have a tablespoon of chia seeds and flax seeds and a frozen banana.

Ashton placed in an essay contest this week.
He got a cash prize ($10) and he thought he was big stuff.
He is big stuff ;)

On the search for "natural" beauty and health products.
This soap is super awesome.

I need it.
I did my "homework" as soon as it was posted.
I'm feeling it.

Last but not least, I was up on that scaffolding today.
Drawing a huge mural on that big white wall.
For Habitat for Humanity.
I start painting it tomorrow.
Doesn't God work in amazing ways?
I humbled to be working on this project.

Is it just me or are the days flying by?
I hope you had a good week, friends.
Thanks for stopping by :)


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Woodland/Gnome/Nature Themed Party

I started this painting a few months back and then put it away. 
It's time to get it back out because Ava has decided she wants a Woodland/Gnome/Nature themed party.
I have become a little (over)excited about this venture because I love all things woodland.  Now I have to get to finish this painting.  It's huge!  It measures 24" x 36"  but we will use it as the centerpiece for her party.

I just bought these guys too:   You can find the pattern here.

I was thinking more along the lines of creating our own party decor.
But she saw this set and it was over.
Found here.

I'd love to make these for all the guests.  If I can make the time.  Pattern here.

Isn't this dress lovely?  It's a little out of our budget, but it would be gorgeous.  Sold here.

We're thinking of painting bird houses as a craft, creating a fun scavenger hunt, and then finding a game to play that involves nature somehow??  Maybe planting seeds in a pot to take home?  I would love any suggestions if you have any :)

This is probably the most over-the-top I've gone for any of my children's birthday parties.
But a little girl only turns seven once, right?  :)


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let's Run Away and Join the Circus

I went through a little circus infatuation a couple of months ago and painted this:
"Let's run away and join the circus!"
I took it back out yesterday and made a few touch-ups.
I had so much fun painting this.  It is full of color, textures, patterns, glitter, and lots of whimsy.
It measures 24 x 36.
It'll be heading to the shop soon.

As soon as I decide how I'm going to frame it.  :)


Monday, January 14, 2013

Organizing Your Kids Paperwork

I wanted to show you my system of organizing my kids paperwork from school, including assignments, projects, school photos, art, awards, certificates, etc.  I have been doing it for two years now and it is a very efficient system.

I started with four heavy duty plastic file folder boxes from Staples.  I can't remember exactly how much they were, but I remember thinking they were a little pricey (remember I have to buy four)!  But in the end I'm glad I used them.  I labeled one for each child with their full name.

I keep them in the corner of my room because they won't fit in my closet and I haven't found a better spot for them yet.

In the white basket to the left is where everything goes before it's filed.  I only file two times a year, usually right after Christmas and right after school ends.  Only one of my children wants to save EVERYTHING (every.single.paper)  The other three I sort for them.  We keep everything in that basket until sorting and filing time.  I also keep my label-er in there, with scissors, double-sided tape, big labels, file toppers, contact paper, and a sharpie and pen.

Inside each file box contains a file folder for each grade.
We keep school papers in here, like book reports, special drawings or art projects, holiday papers and projects, and anything that they are especially proud of.  I like to include papers that showcase their handwriting so they can see how much they progress they made through the early years. I also save awards, certificates, and programs when they are in plays or musical performances.

On the front of each folder I use contact paper to put their school picture on the front and a handwritten label  with the grade and year.  Here we have already sorted what we wanted to keep.  The rest we threw away.

I also have one of these for each child.  This is a more personal account of they feel about school.  I also include school pictures and copies of their report cards in here.

Each grade in the "School Year Chronicles" has a space for School Highlights, signs of the time, their yearly favorites, and places for general notes.  I know one day they will look back on these and be so happy to see what their interests were and reflect on fond memories.

This may not work for everyone but it really helps me stay organized and when they go away to college or move out of the house, everything is all in one spot for them.  :)

Happy Monday!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Home series

I'm so very excited about this little series I created.
Over Christmas break I used the kitchen table as my workspace for a few days.
I had six canvases, all 6"x 6", and all my paint.
I painted one of these and then I couldn't stop!
For three days off and on I painted and watched the whole first series of "Once Upon a Time" on Netflix.
It was a fun and relaxing time.
My favorite part of each one is the heart coming out of the chimney.  :)

I posted the original's on my instagram account and I sold the whole series, so I made prints.
I'm selling them as 8 x 8 prints, and as a 6" x 6" print series.

If you are interested in a custom original painting similar to one of these, you can click here.
They would be a sweet Valentine gift, dontcha think?  :)

Speaking of Valentines day, have you made any cute crafty decorations yet?  I've seen some adorable ones on Pinterest.  :)


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

You are Beautiful and Brilliant

A few years ago I had a series of art that I called the "She Series".
This year I wanted to update the series and I 'm doing different things with the original quotes I had written.
This one originally said:  "She told herself she was beautiful and brilliant and one day she woke up and finally believed it."

I shortened it to say "You are beautiful and brilliant".
It is going to be a regular feature on my new web site (when it launches).
We will be hearing stories of how people found their authentic selves.  Stories of how people survived trials and heartaches.  Stories of how we are all beautiful and brilliant.  Stories to celebrate the uniqueness of us all.

 Each and every etsy order now through March 31st will receive a "You are beautiful and brilliant" print for FREE!  I invite you to take a picture of yourself with your print and share your story with me.  I will share different stories that will help inspire others.  Or you can just keep it for yourself.  Or you can gift to someone that you think may need it!  :)

I'm excited about this little dream that God planted in my heart.  My prayer is that is provides comfort, friendship, inspiration, and peace for those who choose to be involved.


Thursday, January 3, 2013


(8 x 10 print available here)

This started out as a sketch back in November, and became a painting recently.
I am in a constant battle between wanting more and wanting less.
I have dreams of grandeur and I often think God saves me by not giving it to me.
I struggle with thinking my house needs to be bigger, my car needs to be newer, I never "have anything to wear".  Anyone else do this?  

And then I fill up my schedule with so many things that I get stressed out and everyone in my family pays the price.    This is why I chose the word gratitude this year.  I have so much to be grateful for.  Our modest home is safe and cozy.  We have the ability to pay for it.  My car is safe and large enough to fit my whole family.  We have the ability to pay for it.  I have clothes that fit me, keep me comfortable, and for the sake of  aesthetics, are still pretty cute.  I have the ability to work from home and teach, both passions of mine that allow me to contribute to the family income and be available for my children.  It's a dream we worked for for a long time.

Clutter makes me feel a little claustrophobic   Clutter in my home, clutter in my mind.  Simple is always better for me.  Simplicity keeps my mind clearer, it makes me a better mother and wife.  Simplicity for me begins the day with God, and ends the day with God.  When I weed out my wants, I always realize that less is more.
