Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Home series

I'm so very excited about this little series I created.
Over Christmas break I used the kitchen table as my workspace for a few days.
I had six canvases, all 6"x 6", and all my paint.
I painted one of these and then I couldn't stop!
For three days off and on I painted and watched the whole first series of "Once Upon a Time" on Netflix.
It was a fun and relaxing time.
My favorite part of each one is the heart coming out of the chimney.  :)

I posted the original's on my instagram account and I sold the whole series, so I made prints.
I'm selling them as 8 x 8 prints, and as a 6" x 6" print series.

If you are interested in a custom original painting similar to one of these, you can click here.
They would be a sweet Valentine gift, dontcha think?  :)

Speaking of Valentines day, have you made any cute crafty decorations yet?  I've seen some adorable ones on Pinterest.  :)



  1. These are so cute! I wish they'd been in your Etsy shop when I placed my order yesterday. I may have to place another one soon!!

  2. love these:O) Only crafty Valentines I have made are wood signs that say Love and Love Big oh and some wood blocks:O) Have a great day!!


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