Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday! We missed church today because we've got some croup in the house... and I'm kind of running on empty here. What do you do when your battery needs to be charged? I keep reminding myself how many things I am grateful for. An hour massage would be nice too, but that's not gonna happen today!:)

Tonite is your last chance to leave a comment here for the give-away. I'll draw a name tomorrow morning. I hope everone is having a nice weekend!


  1. :) A massage is the best! I am super excited about the WINGS! :)

  2. when my batteries get low, some nice dark belgian chocolate and a nap usually get me going again! :)

    i hope that everyone is feeling better soon!

  3. I love the art featured today. I didn't see it in your ETSY shop. It is such a wonderful reminder for everday- I'd like to glue it to my forehead!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)