Wednesday, April 15, 2009

5 things I heart right now...

1. Caramel frappicinos from Starbucks...I.AM.ADDICTED...
2. My Janome Memory Craft 9500. I bought her almost 2 years ago and I am just now really learning everything she does. When I figure out the embroidery stuff, I'll let you know.:)

3. My husband calls it smut, but I love that The Hills are back on. This is Lauren's last season. I know I'm a dork, but I can't help it!

4. I love that my best girlfriends ( all the way back from elementary and middle school) have daughters that are Ava's age. It warms my heart in a way that I can't even describe to see them playing together...

5. I hit 80 sales in my Etsy shop last night. My goal is to hit 100 by May 10. I have lots of new stuff coming in soon...I love to make goals outside of raising my kids, it keeps my mind going...

What things are making you happy right now?


  1. Caramel Frapps are my favorite too. I have to be careful though. I'm 6 months pregnant and I was drinking one every day for about a month. I gained lots of weight from them!

  2. chocolate, dark chocolate, makes me very happy! :)
    congrats on your etsy sales!

  3. I gotta tell you....what I REALLY love right now is the Twilight series of novels! I'm on #4 and SO don't want them to end yet!! And....let's see....I love teaching nursing students. I love is a new passion. And Oh! I LOVE the ideas I get from other sites on crafty things for my house. It's been a LONG time since I've been able to indulge in those things! Love your blog!!

  4. I love that cupcake :)

  5. I love getting on the computer in the morning and seeing what new things people have come up with on their blogs. I love painting, birthday parties, tutoring math at my kids' school and going out to cafes where they make your food fresh!

  6. FYI-Starbucks has a chocolate version of the caramel frap...they are AMAZING!!! :)


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