Monday, April 13, 2009

Get Excited and Make Things

Brave People Make Things so get excited and make things….
The first five (5) people to respond to this post will get something made by me.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. Whatcha get is whatcha get.
2. What I create will be just for you, with love.
3. It'll be done this year (2009).
4. I will not give you any clue what it's going to be. It will be something made in the real world and not something cyber. It may be weird or beautiful. Or it may be monstrous and annoying. Heck, I might bake something for you and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something strange.
6. In return, all you need to do is post this text on your blog and make 5 things for the first 5 to respond to blog.
7. Send your mailing address - after I contact you. IMPORTANT: This offer is null and void if I do not see you post your own blog to pay this forward.

This is going around blog-land. I saw it first here:



  1. How exciting - I'm #2 - yeah I'm in! I just love everything you make. I love your art and your words.

  2. you have the best sayings! i love it!!

  3. I think I made it! # 5 that is so great :-) I will post your link on my blog now! YAY! How fun.

  4. Darn, I'm #6! Thought I'd comment anyway, you know, just in case you have to disqualify someone or something! :)

  5. I'm with Kimm! Just in case there are two people who back out I want to be your backup.

  6. Okay you first 5. Send me a link that you have posted on your site and your mailing address. I have 2 extra people in case you've changed your mind. You just have to pay it forward...:)
    Thanks for playing, I can't wait to send out the goodies!

  7. i didn't even notice this was a give away!! really!!

  8. i just saw your blog on alyssa's website...your things are beautiful! so creative.

  9. All set - how should I send you my information?


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)