Sunday, May 31, 2009

God is Great

This illustration comes from one of the Little Golden Book's by Eloise Wilkin. I saw it recently and was immediately taken back to my childhood. I bought for my kids right away! All of her stories are sooooo sweet and innocent.

Have a blessed Sunday friends!


  1. Precious!!
    Have a lovely day!
    Many Blessings!

  2. We have this book, too. Lovely and so sweet. I love the illustrations... Lori

  3. So precious! Oh how I remember those books as a child! I loved her books! I have We Like Kindergarten, Where Did the Baby Go?, We Help Daddy and How Many Kisses Goodnight. I never realized they were valuable, one site said they are valued at $40-$65. Amazing! I don't think I could part with them because they are such fabulous memories from my childhood!


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