Monday, June 1, 2009

Let's play with paint!!

What I'm about to show you isn't anything earth-shattering, just some fun techniques that some of you might not have tried before. They are all kid friendly, but I actually use them a lot in my mixed-media work too.
I love that children will take off running when you show them some new techniques. It's so much fun!!
1. Painting on bubble wrap:
Using acrylic paint and a dry brush, lightly paint on bubble wrap and then press it down on your paper.

2. Painting with Saran Wrap:
Use this technique with watercolors or diluted acrylics. Paint your page and while it's still wet crinkle up your saran wrap and stick it onto the paint. Let it dry overnight and then pull your saran wrap off.
3. Stamps
Even a very young toddler can paint a stamp and press it down. I find that young children absolutely love this one.
4. Scratching in Paint
Using acrylics, scratch in your paint with the other end of the paintbrush while the paint is still wet. I love this for backgrounds.

5. Sponges
Using different sponges dipped in paints can create some very fun textures.
With summer vacation quickly approaching, these kinds of activities are perfect for "art days".
After all of our papers had dried, my kids went back and cut flowers out of all the papers and made their teachers "paper flower boquets" for the last day of school. We made a card to go with them that said "Thanks a bunch".
Children's imaginations are AMAZING!!


  1. you always have such fun stuff going on at your house!! i'll bet those teachers loved their special bouquets of flowers from the kids! :)

  2. Thanks Chrissy for this... I needed some tips on playing... for myself as you'll see from my latest blog entry. Hope you're doing well!

  3. Love the bubble wrap idea! Looks like fun!

  4. I want to come play at your house!


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