Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Monday

I've been sewing up a storm.
What have you been doing?
Any major spring cleaning going on in your house?
We are still in the middle of the renovations. My goals this week are to get all the baseboards and door trim painted and put up. I'm also trying to finish up the oldest's room.
Balance is hard, isn't it? I'm gonna try to spend a little less time on the computer this week, and a little more time playing. I've decided a need a little more of that:)
Happy Monday friends!

1 comment:

  1. Chrissie - YES! It *is* hard to achieve balance. I'm struggling with that now. Love your sewing projects! Sewing is something I have never mastered. Many years ago in my high school home economics class, I was sewing a blouse and I was so proud when I finished that I yelled as I was pulling it out of the sewing machine. As everyone turned to looked I raised it up in the air only to realize that is was sewn to the blouse I was wearing!! Have fun playing this week!


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