Monday, May 11, 2009

A room for a 9 year old boy

**Edited to add: This post is a couple of weeks old, but I couldn't pass up Thrifty Decor Chicks Goodwill Party. That woman is amazing!!
I found this desk at Goodwill last week. I know a lot of you will think that $20 was a lot to pay for this desk, but I was happy to find it. I had been looking for a couple of weeks. Amidst the renovation, we decided to split up the 4 and 9 year old. My step-son will be gone for the summer and then begins college, so it made more sense for us to utilize that room. Yes, I know I just showed you the Star Wars room. But I didn't like it. at. all.
I digress...
Anyway, here's the desk:

Two cans of black spray paint later...

As I was decorating his room, I wanted it to be a little more grown up. Something he could grow into. I also wanted him to have his own space. He has already fell in love with his desk. He has all his own "supplies", his own pencils, rulers, scissors, things he needs for school. He has different secrets stashed in the drawers, and his feather collection lives right there on top. It's a perfect desk for a boy.

It's sparse and clean and I love it. He told me he wanted a black and white room and I ran with that. I found the black curtains at a garage sale for $1. I'm not joking. They were still in the package! I bought the comforter set at Target.
I'm playing Trash to Treasure again over with Kimm at Reinvented and also Rhoda's Thrifty Treasures.
Check those both out for some great deals and projects!

Okay, we still haven't done the baseboards or closets yet, but we're getting there. Slowly, but surely...:)
Thanks for looking today. I'll have some art to show in a few days.


  1. The desk looks AMAZING! Great job, Chrissie! Lori

  2. O my gosh Chrissie that is hilarious! I have felt the same way before after finishing a room... it looks great in black and white.

  3. I LOVE the room!!!! Great job!!!

  4. I love the desk. What a steal....
    Laura@the mansion

  5. Love how the desk turned out!!
    I saw one really similar to that at a yard sale this weekend, but we have no where to put it right now :(

    Good find on the curtains too!!

  6. Looks great! I bet he loves it.

  7. Great desk. I love the chair. I just starting room changes and decorating. You have given me great inspiration.

  8. It never ceases to amaze me how a mediocre and dated looking piece of furniture can be totally transformed with paint! It looks REALLY nice. And that vase full of feathers is really cool!

  9. Given the boys' ages it does make sense to split them up. My 10 year old would not want to be in a room with his seven year old twin brothers. We did that when we lived at my parents while building our house. Great job on the desk and the new black and white room!

  10. HOw cute that desk is now! I just love what a can of black spray paint can do for an update.

  11. my goodness...what a transformation!! i think that $20 is a great price for that desk! i love the black and white...very grown up indeed! great job, chrissie! :)

  12. That desk was totally worth $20! I love it's style. It looks like it was just made for that feather collection!

  13. I have spent the day painting my son's room, orange. That is what he wanted and he kept walking in, checking the progress, saying "This looks GREAT" So I am on the fence about it, but the client is happy.
    Question: do you use flat, satin, semi-gloss ...for the walls. I just got a satin for his room under advisement from my mom, but I'm not used the sheen. What's your opinion?

  14. I love the desk with the squatty little chair - great find!

    Have you thought of putting something larger above the bed? I have repurposed old windows with crackle paint (you could do a white underneath and black on top) Your son could draw some pics to put in the panes and interchange them when the mood hits...just an idea you might could play around with:)

  15. Now that looks awesome. Brava! Love it! Stop by and say "hi" soon and enjoy your visit and stay a while there's so much to see.

  16. Great job - love black anything ! It is so classic and will last for years !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  17. I love the feathers on the desk! How smart is that! Great job!

  18. Love it! It is just amazing the magic that spray paint can do!

  19. Amazing! I love that chair, the shape is so cool!

  20. I redid a desk for Thrifty Decor Chick too! Great job!


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