Saturday, June 6, 2009

100 post GiVe-AwAy

What do you think of my new look?
I happen to love it! I hope that doesn't sound too braggy, because I didn't do it.
This genius woman did it.
I had it in my mind that I wanted one of my She Said girls in it, and the mosaic cupcake. She designed the rest. I am so very pleased with it.

So, on another note.
This is my 100th post, and as a coincedence, I have sold exactly 100 items in my Etsy shop. Which means it is time for another give-away.
How about a $25 giftcard to my shop? You can pick anything you want...AND, I'll be filling it up this week with Brand New Stuff!!
There's 3 ways to enter this time:
1. Leave me a comment
2. If you are already a follower or become a follower (make sure to let me know in your comment)
3. If you post my blog button on your blog (make sure to let me know in your comment)

I love my bloggy friends and I love to do give-aways. I will be drawing a name next Sunday, June 11th.

Have a wonderful Sunday and God bless you all:)


  1. Chrissie! Your new look is just F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S! I love it!

  2. i added your button, which means now you don't just have a link on my blog! and thanks for the comment. you are very inspiring to me, even with our different beliefs - as a creator and a mother (which is also a creator, hehe) you are very inspiring. i have no idea how i found you/your etsy, but i'm glad i did. thanks!

  3. I'm registered in all ways noted....You, Chrissie, have a BEAUTIFUL blog! I love it and visit you ALL the time! And--you are mentioned in my blog more than once.....there...did I suck up enough?! Congrats on 100 posts!! Great job!

  4. Hey Cutie! I am a follower and I am going to add your button to my blog, too.:) Congratulations on 100 posts and 100 sales- yippee! Lori

  5. I just became a follower this week. I love your blog and your wtsy shop is so cute!

  6. I love the doll, cute but with character. Love it!!! I am following your blog and now post about your giveaway!!

  7. I'm so glad I found you (or that you found me). I now follow and your button is on!

  8. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your "new" look...and I am a follower!
    Have a Blessed day!

  9. Oh! forgot to say! Congratulations on your 100 posts AND your 100 sales!!! :)

  10. Been visiting for a few weeks and love your blog. Love the banner!
    Please add me to your giveaway...come visit me also...

  11. I love your new look! It's very tres chic!

  12. Congrats! I would love to win :)

  13. Chrissie,
    Your blog identity crisis has served you well! And was luckily for us, a short lived time! The new design and look is fab. Good choice! xoxo

  14. Chrissie, I have a google translate gadget on the side of my blog so you can read it in english. Mari

  15. I follow your blog and I love your new look - it's so much more you! I especially like it cause it has your she said girl that I own and she hangs over my work table!
    Congrats on your 100th!

  16. I love the new look! It's AWSEOME!

  17. I love your blog - I subscribe with reader and love catching up daily!

  18. hi chrissie! congrats on reaching 100 posts and etsy sales!! i'm on your followers list...what a super giveaway!! :)

    p.s. love your new look! :)

  19. Hi Chrissie! Love, love, love the new blog banner....I will definitely check out your friends site, I need a new banner too!!
    Congrat's on your 100th post and and hope best of luck with your continued success!! You are always so kind, that's what sticks out to me when I think of you, and your work is always cute as a button!!
    I added your button to my blog...and I've been following you since I joined the blog. Thanks for the opportunity !!

  20. Love your new look! Thanks for doing the giveaway.

  21. Fabulous new layout! I love it!

  22. I just added your button to my blog. :)

  23. Chrissie Grace you are uber creative. I absolutely LOVE your blog! I just can't look at your Etsy store enough....

  24. I love the new look! Congratulations on number 100!

  25. I just added myself to your followers, even though I have been following you in Google Reader for a while now :)

  26. Chrissie, Congratulations on the 100th blog. I am a follower and I added your blog button to my blog.

  27. I just signed up as a follower. I love giveaway opportunities and thanks for having one. I haven't looked at your etsy shop yet, but I will when I get a spare minute.

  28. Congrats on 100th blog and your 100th sale! What a great accomplishment! I love your "new" look!
    Thanks for all your inspirations.
    Carol Lynn

  29. Pick me! Pick me! I LOVE your stuff and your blog is great!

  30. K, here's my second entry since I just became a "follower". ("follower" Sounds kinda bad when you really think about it???)

  31. Congrats on hitting 100...twice! I love reading your blog! So inspirational! :)

  32. I would love to enter your giveaway. I am heading over to my blog to add your button now.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)