Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm doing the thrifty treasure dance!

In an effort to save more money (still rolling with Dave, getting closer!!), I realized that my "thrifty" purchases were adding up. So I decided to stick with my "list". My list includes items that I either need or really want for certain places in the house. I could not BELIEVE it when I saw these... I've seen them at Pottery Barn and Pier One for big bucks and love them. They are oversized wall hangings for the kitchen and I never thought I would actually find a set.
The front of our house gets hardly any natural light, so it stays very dark. I've been looking for a lamp for our foyer entrance and GW had this for so cheap! I want to spray paint the body white (not the glass part) and do something much brighter with the shade.
Antique door holder. On my list was "something" for an area that needed something cool in it.
I was happy about this find...Ashton and Jax are sharing a room now and all I have in there is a really cute painted map of the USA. I'm on the search for globes to line 2 shelves with and this is the second one I found. It's a little more than I wanted to pay but I know they retail for a lot more. Searching for these is fun.
The rest are all frames that are for Logan's room. I was actually looking for all these different shapes, styles, sizes, etc. so I am very pleased.

We set a goal in January to pay off ALL debt (except mortgage) and fully fund our emergency fund by the end of the year. We are getting close but now when I buy things I really have to think about it. Will I love it? Do I need it? Can I get it cheaper anywhere else? Or would I be happier using this money to pay off my last student loan?

What criteria, if any, do you have when you go thrifting?

Rhoda (The queen of thrifty treasures) is having her weekly link-up party later so check it out!


  1. You always find such fabulous goodies!!

  2. i really like globe collections, especially when they are all different sizes. i feel your pain when thrifting... i find it necessary to remember that just because it's cheap doesn't mean i need it.

  3. Love your stuff!!!!! I am especially jealous of the globe- I have decided to start collecting those also.

  4. Hi Chrissie,

    You have really great finds! I just love visiting our Goodwill store for treasures too! It sounds like you are a Dave Ramsey fan...we are too. His steps are easy to understand and fairly easy to follow once you have the right mind set.

    I'm fairly new to blogging and thrift store shopping. However, I've had a monthly budget for me personally to use. Since I've gotten "addicted" to thrift store shopping, I'm still using this amount. I use cash only and when that's gone, I'm finished for the month. At first, I was kinda going crazy...I just couldn't believe the prices. So, to answer your question, sometimes I have something general I'm looking for, other times I just go looking for anything that catches my eye.

  5. Awesome finds. I have the same spoon and am desperately looking for a fork, I was beginning to think that maybe they didn't make one. Now the quest is on, but I'm not paying full price, LOL

  6. What great finds and isn't Dave AWESOME!!! We are still working on our debt snowball but when we pick up things we only pick items we really need or are searching for...

    Love to see others who wanna be "FREEEEEEEE"

  7. Great finds! I'm a sucker for frames, they are hard to pass up!

    I've thought about making a list of the things I really want/need, maybe I'll give it a try.

  8. Great finds. My boys always love maps and globes.

  9. You found some great buys. How very smart of you to set this great goal. I have to set some restrictions and goals for myself soon....very soon :0)

  10. Gotta love the giant fork and spoon!!

  11. I heart that globe! Great deals!

  12. i have GOT to get one of those big forks and spoons! nice haul!

  13. Did you go throught the financial peace classes for Dave Ramsey? Me and my husband were thinking about doing them in September. Great finds by the way!


  14. I love the lamp. I've been looking for one like the ones on the tv show Three and a Half Men in Charlie's bedroom. Yours is similar.

    I too am on a strict budget. Two years ago I bought a house and my monthly rent payment went from $440 to $1,400. So what I did was stop buying anything unless it was a thrift store find or on sale and it had to be something I really needed. Needless to say that really put a crimp on my shopping sprees.

    But it's worth it to have my own house. Please come visit and say hello.

  15. Great finds....I am having a give a-way to celebrate my 1 month Blogoversary.... Please stop over.

  16. I love globes and think you got a good deal on that one...they can be expensive! I like the lamp you got too.

  17. Fab finds! The lamp is great!

  18. We love Dave! You had great luck treasure hunting - good for you. Love.

  19. Thrift shopping is definitely something I do because its fun. I used to go to the mall all the time and then I quit and started going to TJ Maxx and Marshall's. Now I mostly go to Goodwill and Target or Wal-Mart. My criteria sound like yours pretty much. Can I use it or could I resell it for more?

  20. What a cute lamp and ginormous fork & spoon. You're right- those guys sell for waaaay more than what you paid for them. Good job on your finds!
    :-) Sue

  21. Very nice finds, Chrissie! I love that white ball architectural thing. I know what you mean about spending more than you need to. I have to be really careful about what I bring home now.

  22. great buys! i love the big fork and spoon! and that door stopper is wonderful! have fun!

  23. I to went looking only for things on my list - the only thing I didn't find was a "creative" bookshelf...darn, I have to keep looking! :) BTW lovvveee the spoon and fork wall art! Becky

  24. I have a list but will stray because, well sometimes I just don't know what I need u ntil I see it ;0)
    Money is tight though and projects are piling up so I've had to scale back until I finish a few things.

  25. I may just move to wherever you are, so that I can find great treasures. I was at a thrift store this weekend and only found ONE thing!! BOooooo!!!

    SOOO envious of the spoon/fork!! That is an amazing find!!

    Would love to see what you do with all your great finds, once you find them a "home".


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to read them!:)