Sunday, August 30, 2009

Roadside Rescue (turned into my new sewing area)

This is the story of my new sewing area.
I've really been wanting a spot to work on my new book and quilts where everything was organized and right there. My husband is so good to me and said I could set up a sewing nook in our bedroom. What do you think?

So I've been looking for the "right table." I went to a garage sale last week and saw this table. It was the perfect size but they wanted $20 for it. I just didn't want it that badly.
I drove back by that afternoon and apparently it didn't sell. There was a sign on it that said "FREE"!!!
I slammed on my brakes and put that sucker in the back of my Durango all by my lonesome. It's my roadside rescue.
I spray painted it red and ordered a piece of glass for it. Instead of an inspiration board I'm using it as an inspiration table. I put a bunch of inspirational pictures on the table and laid my glass on top. I love it.

I found this awesome, naturally distressed shelf at GW a couple of weeks ago. Remember I wanted to cover up the 1980's heart? I made a huge posie and glued it right over the heart. Done. It houses all my sewing supplies.
The stool I already had. I srpay painted her red too and added some funky polka dots. Oh yeah...
I'm so happy with it. It feels really good to sew in there. The only money I spent was on the piece of glass, but I'm totally okay with that. I'm pleased as punch.

Now, head over to Infarrantly Creative for her Roadside Rescue party. I can't win because I've donated a print and coloring book to the winner. :)

This was so much fun! You can't get better than free!

**I've also linked up to DIY over at A Soft Place to Land. There is some genius stuff going on over there!


  1. I LOVE it all, Chrissie!!!!!

    By the way - I have the confirmation that the package got there on Friday- have you heard that she got it safely?

  2. AMAZING!!!!
    Great finds!...a very inspiring place to sew!

  3. Very nice set up! I really like the red polka dots on the stool. Fun, fun! I didn't see an after shot of your shelf with the country heart that you covered up with a poisy. Did I miss that?

  4. Woohoo! Love your table and that polka dot stool is da bomb! That table was meant to be yours.

  5. Love it Chrissie. What shade of red did you use? It is so rich. Every red I find blows. I would love the name of yours. It turned out wonderful and kudos to the hubby for sharing the bedroom with your art. Thanks for linking up. And a big puffy heart for donating a prize also.

  6. Hi there! I'm loving your redos! Would you mind if I featured some on my blog? (with credit to you, of course!)

    It's a collection of all my favorite before & after projects I've found online. C'mon over and check it out, I think you'd like it! :)

  7. Too cute...funny story about the table find, it WAS meant to find its way into your home!

  8. Love, love, love the table with the glass!!!!

    Enjoy your new sewing nook!

  9. oh love that red! the glass really dresses it up... doesn't look like road kill to me ;)

  10. this is the cutest little nook i've ever seen!! and i just KNOW that there's going to be some heavy-duty creating while you're sitting on that sweet little red and white polka dot stool!! :))

  11. What luck that you drove back and found it for free! I guess they didn't feel like hauling it to the Goodwill. lol

    Can I ask approx how much a piece of glass like that costs? I've been wanting to get some for a table and just want an *idea*, a ballpark of what to expect before I bother. ;)

  12. The shade of red is gorgeous, and I love the polka dots - so fun & girly.

    Lovely transformation!

  13. I love everything but I just might come and steal that cute stool. I love the polka dots.

  14. Love the red and the polka dots. Sure makes me want to create. Jackie

  15. I'm totally loving the red!! I can't believe that table was free... Score!

  16. Hello Chrissie - I'm late linking to the party, but just had to comment on how much I love your sewing area! That table is so fabulous - love how you're also using it as a place to display your inspiration! I really like that cute polka dot chair too. I can see why you love your space now!


  17. love the table. glad you found a use for the create pin i gave you! mom

  18. Wow, the table looks great red, and FREE!!! Fabulous. I just bought a can of red spray paint...haven't decided what to spray just yet.

  19. Beautiful! I love what you did with the table. I see these tables all the time on CL. You really beautified it! Just wondering, about how much does it cost to buy a custom glass cut piece? Thanks for sharing!!

  20. Oooh! That table is adorable in red. Great find.

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