Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Big Brothers

I tried (unsuccessfully) this summer to get a picture of the four little ones on the beach. I had them all in matching outfits and brought them down when the lighting was good.
It was impossible.
But... I got a few endearing candid shots. I came across this one this morning and it pulled at my heart-strings. You can see that Ava is almost as big as him, but when her feet hurt Big Brother Logan carried her.
There is something very special about having a big brother. Mine is 8 years older than me and as a child I loved it so much.

How about you? Are the youngest in the family, the oldest, the middle? Do you believe what they say about "classic" middle child syndrome? If you were an only child, did you wish for siblings? With a big family, I'm always curious to hear what people say about birth order.

I hope your having a Happy Tuesday:)
Oh, and Happy September (what??? I can't believe it's already here)


  1. Wonderful picture!

    I'm an only child and did wish for siblings at times. Although I do believe that being an only child really fosters creativity and imagination. I had to think of ways to entertain myself all those years and could get very creative at times. Just ask my Mom, lol!

  2. Aaaawwww, this reminds me of how i felt about my big brother (I am the middle of five kids, an older bro & sis and a younger bro & sis). i am sad my girls don't get to have that....but we may still get a little brother in our house :)

  3. Ahhhhhh that picture is SO SWEET!! So heartwarming!!


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