Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quilting Week Four: Setting your blocks

I spent a lot of time taking pictures this week during the process of setting the blocks, and than wouldn't you know it? Our computer got struck by lightning on Monday night. Our hard drive is down and my husband hasn't had time to see if he can retrieve anything, so I'm going to go through the steps with you as best I can.
I'm so sorry! I am a very visual learner myself, but I will try to explain as clearly as I can.

You should have 80 squares with the hearts stitched on. I ironed them all so they were nice and crisp to work with. Lay them on the floor and move them around until you like the way they look. This part is really fun.
Make 10 piles of eight. ( I labeled mine with a sticky note by rows).

When you are ready to sew your first line, take two squares and lay them so the heart fabrics are touching. Sew a straight stitch with a 1/4" seam allowance. Continue until you have your first row of eight. Press all of your seam allowances in the same direction. Continue until you have all 10 rows done. From row to row, press in opposite directions so the seam allowances will offset when you are ready to join the rows.

You sew your rows the same way, with a 1/4" seam allowance.
I sewed the first five rows together, and then the second five rows together.

Don't forget to keep ironing and pressing your seams.
Here is a picture of mine yesterday with the top and bottom ready to be sewn together.
I love how colorful it is. Ava likes to find all the hearts from her clothing.
I am going to add a week onto the project so I can photograph step-by-step adding the side borders and top and bottom. If I can get to the old photos I will come back to this post and re-write it with the step-by-step pictures.
We're getting so close!
I would love to see any pictures of yours, no matter where you are in the process. Even if you've just picked out your fabrics, let me see!!
As always, leave any questions for me in the comments and I will try to answer them.:)


  1. this is looking so cute, chrissie! your fabrics are wonderful! and, i love that last photo.....someone's giving us a peek at their really cute flip-flops!! hee hee. :))

    i'm sorry to hear about your computer. we lost a tv to lightning several years ago....that's no fun!!

  2. I love the fabrics in your hearts! I finally have all my hearts sewn onto the squares. So now I'll start sewing the rows. I gave my camera to my DS so I went to buy a new one ... and it doesn't work!! So I have no camera to take pics until I return the new one! Will take/post pics as soon as I can ...

  3. Hi there! I featured you and your cute little stool on my blog today! Thanks! :)

  4. omgosh! that is the cutest thing i have ever seen chrissie! fabrics are darling! you have come so far on that sooo fast!

  5. Your heart quilt is turning out so cute!

    *I have a tip on how to make perfect shapes. email me and I'll tell you my tip! works for any shape, even pockets on a shirt!


  6. it already looks wonderful! i have been wanting to learn to quilt so bad and your pictures really inspire me.

  7. that is sooo cute,, i love hearts and have wanted to try quilting forever. I may have to go back and follow the step by steps and see if I can do this,, Cant wait to see it finished.

  8. I have finally posted pictures of my quilt in progress, so be sure to visit my blog to see what it looks like. Am eagerly waiting for the next step!


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