Sunday, November 8, 2009

Are you interested in a Giveaway?:)

I've been in cahoots with a certain someone, and she is giving away one of my projects on her world-famous blog! Amy from Mod Podge Rocks is funny and full of talent, and I am so pleased to be doing a give-away on her blog!
This is the project I made. It is mixed-media mosaic just in time for Thanksgiving, but I tried to keep it in a palette that would be compatible for other times of the year as well.

If you want to enter to win, head on over to Amy's blog and follow the directions. It's a lot of fun!:)
Have a blessed Sunday, and I will be back tomorrow for "Make Some Art Monday!"


  1. Hi Beautiful work and I am glad I stumbled on your blog, and now I am a follower, can't wait to have time to go through some old posts. take care. all the best.

  2. I am thankful for Lawry's Garlic Salt. It goes in everything I cook and is the secret ingredient in my famous mashed potatoes. :)

  3. Truly gorgeous! So glad I found your blog, thru Mod Podge Rocks. I am grateful for windy, blustery days at the beach. I feel very close to G-d on those special days.

  4. I am totally in love with this! I want one sooo badly! :)
    Will you be putting any in your etsy shop?

  5. Beautiful! Wish it was mine! Love MOM

  6. hi chrissie - I came across your blog on the MPR blog!
    I am really enjoying your blog and would like to join in your make some art mondays stuff!
    i tried to make it link, but might have to try again, as not sur eit worked!
    Anyway, I am thankful for my red shoes. They carry the label gorgeous - twice - in each foot! A great reminder of how others, God and how I am learning to see myself, as beautiful inside and out!

  7. I love the pops of color that add to the fall colors and make this appropriate year-round! So glad I found your blog through MPR.

  8. Hi Chrissie, I found you through Mod Podge Rocks and love your blog and artwork. I;m now a follower and plan to enter for the giveaway. I am thankful for Amy and her ability to browse around and find all of the wonderful crafty/artsy blogs that I just love, and then tell us about them.
    Have a great day, Tess

  9. Oh wow! Love that. Would love to be the proud owner of it! Running on over to throw my name in.
    Have a blessed day.
    Hugs from TExas!

  10. I'm headin' on over. Love that piece:)

  11. Wow. What a fabulous piece. I'm thankful for makes every day better! ;_0

  12. I love your mosaic project what fantastic work..

  13. You have created some really fun stuff, thanks for sharing. I'm INSPIRED!!!!

  14. I'm thankful for BLOGGING! Because then I get connected to other great bloggers!

  15. Mary Ann Parker11/11/09, 8:19 PM

    I am really thankful that I found you and that it finally stopped raining! =)


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