Monday, November 9, 2009

Jamie's Inspiration

This is my Mom's entry for this week's Make Some Art Monday.
I think it's really cool that she has been playing along!:)
"My favorite artist is my talented daughter Chrissie Grace! Yes, I got her permission to draw my own she said girl. It wasn't an easy assignment for me.(as you can see I'm not an artist!) I have had fun each week! Thank you Chrissie for the challenge each Monday. "


  1. Adorable!!!! Looks like a special grandma!!!
    Love your blog!!
    Mama Holli

  2. i love your mom's "she said" girl!! that's fantastic that she's participating in your monday art project!! :)

  3. great! sort of thing my Mum would have done too!

  4. I love it. What a great "she said" girl. She is more talented than she gives herself credit.


  5. Oh how sweet. I love her she said girl. I smile too when I hear that laughter.


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