Saturday, June 12, 2010

Real Quick...Check it out!

Check it out...

I'll be joining the likes of Meg from Whatever, Ashley Ann, and Julie from Joy's Hope to celebrate "The Bloggers Guide to Summer" next week. There will be giveaways, tutorials, and summer activities over at Blessed Little Nest (one of my favorite new blogs.) You will love Heather, her sweet family, and all her amazing talent. It all starts on Monday.

And on another note, if you are looking for an on-line quilt along, I found a great one over at Crazy Mom Quilts. I finally found something to do with my gray and yellow fabric and I'm over the moon:)

I hope y'all are having a great weekend. See ya Monday:)


  1. i can't wait for the fun to start on monday!! and i'm soooo glad you're going to be part of it.

    can't wait to see that quilt. i heart gray and yellow!

  2. I love the colors, can't wait to see the quilt :) take care


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