Friday, August 13, 2010

Crappy Week

I'm here again.  It wasn't the best week in the world.  :(  My husband had to have an unexpected hernia surgery.  He is totally fine, thank you God!, but when you mix that with the daily antics of four kids who are ready for a normal schedule again, it's makes for a trying time.

I am so grateful for supportive family members, loving friends, and helpful neighbors.
I am so grateful that we are all healthy now and my husband will make a semi-speedy recovery.
I am also grateful for the small things that make me smile, like my new set of Russian Nesting dolls you see in my header.

I am ready to deep clean my house, organize everything I own, and finish up some long overdue projects.
It's been a great summer, but I am ready for the kids to go back to school on Monday.  I need a little overhaul.  :)

Have a great weekend everyone!  I'll be back next week hopefully with a refreshed and recharged enthusiasm!  :)


  1. Glad to hear your husband is doing well. I hope next week is better. :)

  2. So glad your hubby is going to be ok. Things like that can really rock your world. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. here's to crappy weeks coming to an end!!! i'm so happy to hear that your husband is recovering well!! hope you get the quiet renewal time that you need!
    xox, :))

  4. Glad your husband is ok. Hope things are sunnier next week! =)

  5. Hey its good know all is well again in your life...May God bless your family with good health and many more happy times ahead...lovely dolls by the way.. :)

  6. glad all is well!!

    ...and i know what you mean about being a wee bit happy that school time is here again! ;)


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