Monday, August 16, 2010

A Prayer for the 1st day of School

How is it that my baby is starting his last year of elementary school?
This one is going to first grade:
...and this one, Mommy's Day Out 2 year old  Preschool at the church.

Father of all mercies

We ask that you would bless

the youngest and littlest of learners,

the most helpless and powerless of persons,

with Your infinite and loving mercy,

granting them the strength to learn, concentrate,

and act appropriately towards their teachers and fellow students.

We also ask that You would watch over them,

at home and at school

and grant them proper direction so that they may learn

of Your wonderful virtues.

We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen
(Prayer by David Bennett)
I am excited for a new school year.  I will be back soon with some actual sewing and art!  YAY!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh brought back such good memories. mine now flown the nest but first day back at school is still in the old memory box.
    God Bless you and yours.
    Beverley x


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