Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Virtual Coffee

I'm so glad you came over for some (virtual) coffee this morning.
Yes, you are in the right place!  Notice all the new changes?  This team is responsible for it and when it's all done I will be sure to tell you more about it.  I'm just in love with the new look!  :)

So...have you been as busy as me?
This time of the year is c.r.a.z.y.
All the "end-of-the-year" hoopla...times 4!
Finishing up dance with recitals, finishing up flag football season and baseball season...
End of the year banquets and award ceremonies and parties...
Gifts to make, gifts to buy...

Busy, but a good busy :)

Since we're having coffee inside today I got out my vintage table runner I made a long time ago, and I was soooooooo happy to find this rainbow/fabric/heart banner I made a couple of years ago.  I thought I had lost it and now I can hang it up again!  :)

Since you're here for coffee I thought I'd offer you a mid-morning meal...
Getting the food out I knock over a yogurt drink that someone has opened and then left (full) right beside the food.
Of course I knock it over and I might say "shoot" but with a little "i" and we will laugh.

We actually had breakfast for dinner last night, so I'm heating up the leftovers.
Hashbrown casserole, boiled eggs, and bacon.
Do you want avocado on yours, as well?

Because you are such a thoughtful and caring friend, you ask about my sweet girl and her little issue.
We actually got a referral to see an OT (occupational therapist), and had her evaluation yesterday.

The good news is that her sensory integration dysfunction is localized to clothing/shoe issues only.
We will see the OT once a week and have sensory "homework" that she will do 2-3 times a day.
Our goal is to have her comfortably put on a pair of socks and tennis shoes in time for Kindergarten in August.  I feel happy and relieved that we have outside help for her...because I was at my wits end and didn't know what else to do. 
The OT suggested this book for us...I just ordered it from Amazon, and it should help us understand this a little better.

Thanks for coming over.  Sorry to see you leave so soon.
I'm off to do some sewing :)
Have a fabulous day!

Linking up here:)



  1. ooooh! that breakfast looks yummy and your whole blog really brightens up a grey english day - thank you :)
    and good thoughts to your sweetie - hope the OT exercises and the book help... xx

  2. Thanks for the virtual coffee... I adore your rainbow heart garland! Hooray for OT...

  3. hey chrissie! i was just working on your blog and saw your cute heart garland and had to comment on it! i love it!

  4. your blog is beautiful, and your daughter is a sweetheart. i hope things begin to improve with the sensory issue -- sounds very challenging, and i'm glad you are asking for support. thanks for coffee xo!

  5. Thank you for brightening my day. It is very cold and rainy here. Love your fabric table runner and heart garland. Adorable daughter and glad she is getting help. Brunch was totally yummy and I enjoyed out little visit.

  6. My daughter just turned ten and I am pleased to say that her sensory integration dysfunction is barely noticeable anymore. She had many things that were triggers for her but we didn't know anything about her condition. Her eleven year old sister has cerebral palsy and it was and still is the major focus of every week with so many appointments for her. We handled her sid with input from her sisters therapists. Be patient and pray much! Pick and choose your daily battles with guidance from God. And one day...this will all be a memory! Praying for you both. And protect her from well meaning people who don't understand that it's a very real problem for her, not just something she needs to "get over."

  7. As soon as I opened your blog, I knew it was the handiwork of heather! Oh, she is just so dang good!

    So happy little one could get some resolution to that and now you feel equipped to move forward. My goodness she is so sweet. :)

    Still giggling about "shoot with an i.". Hehee.


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