Monday, July 11, 2011

10 on 10 (all before 10!)

I've been wanting to participate in 10 on 10 for months, but I always forget!
I remembered this month, but my camera battery died at exactly 10 a.m.
So, I have 10 pictures from July 10, all before 10 in the morning!

I usually wake up about 6:30, 7:00, even in the summer.
First thing in the morning, my synthroid (for an underactive thyroid) with a glass of water:

Getting the coffee ready:

Some time with my Father:

My "beauty regime" for the day! hahaha
Deoderant, face wash with the exfoliating brush, my lotion/sunscreen, and a good brushing of the teeth.
Yes, I know, I am so fancy!  ;)

Ashton is always the first one up.
I make him breakfast and we spend some time together doing tanagrams.

Ava is up next.
I make her breakfast, and then we do some paper dolls together.
One-on-one time with the kids is rare, so I squeeze it in whenever possible!

Starting the morning chores...
I usually wash a load at night and put it in the dryer before bed, so I wake up to a load that needs to be folded.

Kitchen clean up.  Breakfast dishes going in the dishwasher...

Oh yeah!  I forgot to eat.
Special K with strawberries and blueberries.

Yay!  It's time to do some sewing.
I listen to music really loud while I sew usually.
This week?  Adele, Indigo Girls, and the soundtrack to Parenthood.

Wow, now I know why I pass out by 9:30-10 every night.
Are you a night owl or morning person? 
I used to be a night owl, but after kids I became a morning person.:)

p.s.  I just realized today is July 11, which means I took all my pictures on July 9th, because I didn't know what day it was!
p.p.s  I can't find the charger for my camera, and I have turned the house inside out looking for it.
p.p.p.s  Maybe this is a sign I'm not getting enough sleep?

Happy Monday!



  1. Such fun to take a peek into your day! I am a Synthroid gal, too.:) I am slowly turning into a morning person although I am fighting it every inch of the way! I was born a night owl.:) Lori

  2. Super fun post! Looks a lot like my mornings with 2 girls. :)

  3. curious to know what devotional you are reading - i'm looking for a new one for myself.

  4. 10 things before 10??? i would have adjust the am to pm for my 10 on 10.....seeing as how i would be lucky to have done 1 thing before 10 am....and that would be to get sophia up! :)

  5. I love one on one time with the kiddos!! Those paper dolls look like so much fun!

  6. I just participated in my first 10 on 10, too!

  7. you are one busy little momma!
    i need to know about your face scrubber thingy!!
    and the music on!


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