Friday, July 8, 2011

Hot Air Balloons

I am deeply, madly, and wierdly?, in love with hot air balloons.

I'm thinking of surprising my whole family with a ride on a hot air balloon.
Some places let the kids ride free...which would save quite a bit of money.
I've been daydreaming of having a professional photo-shoot in the hot air balloon, getting some beautiful shots of all of us in the air, free as birds in the sky...

Did I mention that I'm afraid of heights and slightly claustrophobic?
Like, I really hate flying on an airplane.
It makes me anxious just thinking about it!

But still, I love them!
Should I stick to making some cute decorations?

Have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon?  Is it worth the expense?  Should I just face my fears and go for it?



  1. Chris, I just located your blog through Faith blogs and it is very heartfelt and beautiful. I remember Joyce Meyers stated fear is nothing more than foxes that spoil the vine, little monsters we let creep in that destroy our joy. I too love hot air balloons & like you have a fear of flying and heights...but if given the opportunity I would take it and just not look down, but keep my eyes focused on Him! I close all my letters with, 'In His Grace,' and have for years!

  2. Hello...I found your blog through the Creative Connection blog & wanted to stop by to say hello! I really like your art, very heart warming. -I too am a phobic flyer...but I still have to do it at times. About the hot -air balloons, my hubby took me on one many years ago, but it wasn't my favorite, mostly because it was pretty tight in the balloon & I kept thinking my hair would light on fire because of my hairspray. I think personally, I will stick to admiring them from a distance because they are really pretty to look at.
    take care,
    marsi from california


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