Some of you may remember that for the month of July we are at the in-laws graciously allow us to crash their condo for the month every year. It is such a wonderful tradition...the kids love it and we are so blessed to have that time! But I come home every so often to catch up with work, replenish art and fabric supplies (because yes, I am still working on pillows :), and hop on the computer. So I'll kind of be flitting about on the blog irregularly for the rest of July.
I can't not mention it.
Casey Anthony has been particularly riveting to me because she is from my community.
The Anthony family lives about 25-30 minutes from where we live, so this case has felt extraordinarily eerie and close to home. I have followed it from the very beginning. The summer Caylee went missing I was pregnant with Jackson, and it just broke my heart.
I was shocked at the outcome. Shocked. It is still very odd to think that within a few short weeks she will be a free woman. I do pray for peace for her family. I don't we will ever really know the whole truth...
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
-Romans 12:19
The fact is that we are all guilty sinners in need of God’s grace. While we may never know the truth of Casey Anthony’s guilt in regard to the death of her daughter, our guilt before God is a settled fact. That is why God commands us to repent and trust Jesus.
There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
-James 4:12
...and on a MUCH happier note:
Our sweet boy Davis has a lot of people trying to get him home! :)
There is an amazing fundraiser going on over at Amy's. It's sick I tell you, how many awesome, and I mean AWESOME prizes are in this fundraiser package. Starting with an Ipad 2 and and going through the cream of the crop handmade items, you will drool over what she's got going on.
all it takes is $10.
for every $10 you donate, you get one entry
for every $50 donated, you will be rewarded with 20 entries
$10 = 1 entry
$50 = 20 entries
Go here for all the eye candy and details.
What are you waiting for? Go now!! :)
Wow, thank you so much for your comments on the Casey Anthony case. I too have been troubled by the outcome, but it's good to hear the reminders that God is in control!