(new print available here)
What a week.
Marked with happy excitement.
Heartbreaking death.
Bittersweet memories.
It's been a roller coaster of emotions and I'm happy to wake up and say it's a new day.
Some highlights:
My new work investment. I don't know how to use it. But I still love it.
Any suggestions on switching from a PC to a Mac?
So proud of this kid.
His team made the finals and they lost with grace.
He has come such a long way, being the new one on the team.
Recital is over for the year.
I love that she loves dance and has found something that has made her happy.
I got to spend a girls day at Epcot with some good friends.
I love this picture so much. I will hold her as long as she lets me.
My first experience with french macaroons.
It did not disappoint.
My baby graduated from pre-school.He is officially a Kindergartner now.
It goes as fast as everyone says it does. I didn't cry when any of my others graduated, but this one was a little sad for me. We are officially in the next phase of life. No more babies! Waaa!
Lots of work and I am so grateful and blessed.
This is all for one household. I would love to see it all hung!
Our sad news:
My son's best friend Momma passed away this week.
There has been a lot of sadness and confusion, a lot of "why's?", a lot of fear.
It is hard for a 13 year old to experience death, and hard on a Momma to try and help navigate him through the pain. It has been hard imagining my dear friend gone as well, and we are praying and praying and praying for peace.
I hope all is well with you, my blogging friends.
Life is a roller coaster sometimes. The good, the bad, the in-between times.
I'm counting my blessings today.
Every single one.