I've been worrying about how they will fare in this world. Worrying that they will grow into compassionate, productive adults. Worrying that they will learn to stand up for themselves and do the right things. I worry that everyone will see what I see in them. That they will enjoy themselves and work hard. That they will remain safe and healthy and cared for.
With five kids we have five different personalities. Every child needs something different. I worry that I don't give them all they need. I try, but I am human. I know I will inevitabley fail them in some way. My biggest prayer is that they always know that we are family, and know what unconditional love is. That they know that we will always be there for them. That they know they always have God on their side.
So to ease my mind and soften my heart, I have been reading The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian. Sometimes my mind cannot conjure up the words I am feeling, but I can read some of these prayers and I feel like it has already been articulated for me. This book is divided up with prayers that are appropriate for all age levels, from infant to adult. One of my favorite prayers from the book is for parents:
I pray as well. I especially pray for graciousness, that I can be thankful and grateful that He chose us to parent these wonderful boys. I often say the same things in your prayer--though not nearly as eloquently as they are printed there. I thank Him for blessing us with the privelege of being their parents and ask Him for the courage to parent in a way that pleases Him. Sometimes I do this one time a day. Many times, it is about 10 times a day! Great post!
That's a great prayer!
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