Here are some snippets from our weekend:

our new basketball star...

a new mosaic that I started...

and missing my Dad terribly... It's my second year without him, and I'm remembering all the good ones...
A very nice weekend all in all:)
And on another note~
Adrienne and A Little of a Lot both tagged me to play this meme:
Here's how it works:
* List Six Silly Things That Make You Happy
* Mention and link to the person who tagged you
* Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along
1. Watching my almost 5 year old read and write constantly. I love finding his notes all over the house.
2. Mango slushies from Sonic.
3. Bagels with cream cheese, sliced avacadoe, and mandarin oranges. (is that wierd?)
4. Fabric scraps
5. chocolate covered gummi bears
6. Portable DVD players in the car that make our car trips very quiet... (is that bad?);)
I actually said out loud... "Oh my gosh, Chrissie Grace commented on my blog!" lol. I'm a dork, but you are a bloggy celebrity to me, lol. :)
I actually thought of you when I found those swirly containers... I thought... Is this going to be one of those things Chrissie was talkin about where it goes straight back to Goodwill... or like one of the cool things she alters and posts on her blog? lol
I didn't alter it that much... but it worked great at the market today. :)
Aren't Muddy Bears the best ?
Your bagel toppings... all to their own ;-)
Thanks for playing along
Oh my gosh! The wink ... be still my heart! She is so precious in her little uniform! SOooo girlee!! Have fun with that!
Ooo, can't wait to see what mosaic you're working on!
Hi Chrissie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll post about the meme today!
fun list Chrissie! never had chocolate covered gummie bears before... need to look for those. :)
My dad died in 2003 - it's a hard day, I'm glad yours was spent with happy memories.
Wow- that strawberry and pb cup snack looks awesome!
Thanks for tagging me :)
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