I'm teaching an art camp this week for girls, focusing on building and maintaining self-esteem through the visual arts.
I thought I'd share this quick tutorial with you in case you were in need of a summer project. It could definitely be done with boys too.

1. Paint a piece of paper. We stuck to four basic colors just to keep it simple.

2. After it dries, mark the top of the back of the paper with 1 " markings. Mark the bottom with .5" markings. Connect the two to make long triangles.

3. Cut all the triangles out and lay them in a pile.

4. Take wooden discs and decorate the front. The girls all wanted to use my punchers, and I was surprized they liked the fleur de lis so much! Also, the glitter glue was a big hit.

5. While they dried, we talked about the things we really liked about ourselves. I had the girls write 5 things about themselves that they liked on the back of the pendant. I hot-glued the little jewelry rings on the back for them.

6. Finally, we took those paper triangles and made beads out of them. Start by wrapping the wider part of the triangle around the rope or string. When you get to the end, put a drop of glue on it and finish wrapping.

7. We put the pendant in the middle, and alternated with the hand-made paper beads and glittery pony beads. They were very proud of them!
OMG me encanta!!! I love it!!!
i'm having a giveaway to celebrate my birthday. check it out.
Those are so cute you and the girls made! Love all your art work...very talented you are!
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