Ava, like a lot of other four year old girls, is infatuated with fairies and princesses.

Her BFF and her have spent countless hours the last few months playing pretend princess and fairy.

The other day I remembered I had a pretty cool book on how to draw them.

Ava suggested face painting...and you would have thought I had told them they could have hot fudge sundaes for dinner:)

I used regular old acrylic paint (non-toxic) and they were tickled pink! (By the way, I consider myself to be a pretty good painter, but face painting is a whole different story! I'm going to have to use much smaller brushes next time. Fortunately, they are not art critics. ;)

Also, if you decide to do it with your kids, and you take them outside for a few pictures, you may want to clean up first...

...or a certain younger sibling may help himself. Not that I would let that happen or anything.
Oh how fun!!!
My 6 and 8 year old would have loved to be at your house too! I think good old fashion face painting is good for quite a few years in a child's book!!:)
Enjoy the day!
PS I am loving that book Simplicity Parenting you recommended awhile back! I can't seem to read it fast enough!!
I love this post. Thank you, it painted a smile on my face :)
Oh how much fun is that? Lots!!! I've had a few face paintings myself as an adult. The granddaughters always insisits it'm my turn next. LOve the little "Sunflower" at the end (last pic). He just wanted to play too!! Cute smile. Your daughter and her BFF looked great. Oh to be a child again, with carefree days of princesses and fairies. Ah but we can dream them up in our own play time now can't we. Just like you did with these sweet children.
Happy Earth Day,
So cute!
Very cute! I like your spin on the "Toy" topic.
Adorable! That first photo is an award winner. I was paid $50/hr once to paint kids faces at a work picnic. Can you imagine someone paying me that much? To paint faces? It was a blast! The squirmy ones (almost all of them?) are tough, though.
I have tried my hand at face painting also & it is hard! So fun that you did this with your girls.
regular old acrylics, huh? who'd a thunk it? how fun simple things are...your pictures are fun to look at. they made me smile. and how cute are those fairies?!
i had no idea you could use acrylics. what a great idea! can't wait for tomorrow! i'm off to my class and then i'll be back to work on putting together my post. i can hardly wait.
What an awesome way to play with art! They are precious. You are a creative mom (and fun too... if I hadn't caught this from the face-painting idea in the first place; I could surely tell by the last sunny smile high-lighted in yellow).
I came over from Paint with Me Thursday.
Hey there - cute kids!
Please remember that using acrylic paints (and other products that are not meant for use on skin) is a bad idea.
Non-toxic does not mean "Ok for use on the face, near the eyes and nose and mouth."
There are many products on the market that are much better, even for a rainy day activity :)
You can find them at your local craft store with the "Klutz" books.
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