Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Dear Secret Partner,
I hope you like the hanging wall quilt I made you for the Urban Home Goods Swap.
You said you liked color,
and Amy Butler fabric.
I spent a lot of time hand embroidering the words...
and had a good time with the free motion quilting.
I really hope you like it!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Doodle

I made this little doodle today and I thought I'd share it with you.
It's been a nice weekend.  We are all back into the normalcy of a busy school schedule and really relaxing into the weekends.
I hope you have beautiful week!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


After embroidering off and on all weekend, I got a bug to change up my blog a little.
We'll see if it stays this way...:)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Corners of My Home

This has got to be the most pictures I've ever uploaded onto one blog post before.
I was so inspired by this post that I wondered what my style is?  (I love Heather's style, whatever it is!:)
I was cleaning up this morning and thinking about some projects I'd like to do for our home.  I walked around with my camera and shot some of my very favorite  things.
I like our home to be clean and comfortable.  I like color, but I like simplicity.  I like vintage items, handmade items, and modern items.  I like lots of art. 

What would you call my style?

I am a homebody.  I like to be home.  :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Raise your hand if you love vintage fabric

I started collecting vintage pillowcases and sheets at the beginning of the summer.  Now I have a inexpensive compulsion.  I have found all of mine at various thrift stores.  I have yet to pay over 99 cents for a pillowcase and 1.99 for a sheet.
I've been wanting to make some new items for my etsy shop, and I started with this one.  After I made it though, I decided I wanted one too.  So I made two. :)  It's quilted with a little hand embroidery and a hand-sewn binding.

I made the table runner for my etsy shop too, and I of course wanted one!  I actually made three of these because they were so fun and easy to make.  I machine bound these.

Aren't the fabrics delicious?  Vintage bedding is so soft.
I still want to make some pillows and bunting and a quilt.  I'm actually thinking of making some quilt kits using 6 inch squares and putting those in my shop too.  Any opinions?  I'm hoping for an etsy update some time next week.

Reasons why I love vintage fabric:
1.  It reminds me of napping at my grandparents house.
2.  The colors are so lovely.
3.  It's so fun to find new ones!
4.  They are inexpensive.
5.  It's green...recycling fabric is awesome!

What about you?  Do you love the vintage stuff, or is it too "old-lady" for you? ;)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I believe...

I believe that 25 year old friendships can remind us how to laugh again.
I believe in the power of helping others.
I believe in possibility.
I believe in making chocolate covered bananas instead of mopping.
I believe in snuggling together and laughing over Tom and Jerry.
I believe in family.
I believe that art saves lives.
I believe that kids should come home from school to fresh baked cookies sometimes.
I believe that God's Love is tangible.
I believe in believing...

What do you believe?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fly Free

Hello Friends!
I wanted to share with a little custom mosaic dragonfly I made for someone.  It is a small piece but I love the iridescent glass in the wings.

After a crazy few weeks, things are finally starting to settle down around here.

I think some of you may relate to this.  Do you ever feel like you are just juggling too many balls?  Sometimes life gives you a magical rythym that allows you to do many things at once.  And sometimes it all becomes so overwhelming that you slowly start dropping balls until they have all hit the floor.
Sometimes I just need to remind myself what is really important.
Sometimes prayer, exercise, and taking care of my family and the house is all I can handle in one day.
Sometimes I get lucky and I can fit in some creative time.  I need to learn to balance these days better, and at the same time, not beat myself up when I can't be Superwoman.

(She) will have no fear of bad news; (her) heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.  (Her) heart is secure, (she) will have no fear; in the end (she) will look triumph on (her) foes.
Psalm I I 2: 7-8

Have a great weekend!
Remember to take a deep breath and savor where you're at. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Keeping It Real

Remember this quilt?  Started last February
I finally pieced 4 rows together.

I really believe I have a serious case of crafting A.D.D. 

I was feeling very overwhelmed this morning.  I finally organized all my projects and made a list of WIP's.  I listed them in order of importance (custom orders, swaps, projects for myself or family).  There are almost 20!  I think I may have bit off more than I can chew.

So, I am once again unplugging for the week.  Remember my color week that I abandoned half-way through?  Yes, that's on my agenda somewhere too.

I am so hungering for a more simple schedule, so I will be working diligently on my list.  You know I'll be back to show you some finished projects.  I'm sorry for my inconsistent blogging.  I hope to be more balanced out soon!  :)


Monday, August 16, 2010

A Prayer for the 1st day of School

How is it that my baby is starting his last year of elementary school?
This one is going to first grade:
...and this one, Mommy's Day Out 2 year old  Preschool at the church.

Father of all mercies

We ask that you would bless

the youngest and littlest of learners,

the most helpless and powerless of persons,

with Your infinite and loving mercy,

granting them the strength to learn, concentrate,

and act appropriately towards their teachers and fellow students.

We also ask that You would watch over them,

at home and at school

and grant them proper direction so that they may learn

of Your wonderful virtues.

We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen
(Prayer by David Bennett)
I am excited for a new school year.  I will be back soon with some actual sewing and art!  YAY!!!  :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Crappy Week

I'm here again.  It wasn't the best week in the world.  :(  My husband had to have an unexpected hernia surgery.  He is totally fine, thank you God!, but when you mix that with the daily antics of four kids who are ready for a normal schedule again, it's makes for a trying time.

I am so grateful for supportive family members, loving friends, and helpful neighbors.
I am so grateful that we are all healthy now and my husband will make a semi-speedy recovery.
I am also grateful for the small things that make me smile, like my new set of Russian Nesting dolls you see in my header.

I am ready to deep clean my house, organize everything I own, and finish up some long overdue projects.
It's been a great summer, but I am ready for the kids to go back to school on Monday.  I need a little overhaul.  :)

Have a great weekend everyone!  I'll be back next week hopefully with a refreshed and recharged enthusiasm!  :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Feeling a little overwhelmed...

I think I have too many WIP's right now...
Working on the kitchen backsplash:
and still trying to finish up some projects for an overdue Etsy update:
I'm unplugging for the week.  It's my kids last week before school starts and I want to spend every second with them.

Be back soon!