I have forgotten to show you some of the projects...so I will be sure to do that this week (for those of you who like to do art with your children, these are great for all ages!)
This four year old class was inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's very famous Starry Night.
I don't have pictures of the process, but I basically broke it down into 4 steps.
1. Show the children the painting and talk about it. We looked at the shapes, the colors, the overall feel of it.
2. Using black construction paper and a white crayon, they drew some basic shapes. Most of them did the moon, circles in the sky, the "mountain", swirls in the sky. Some even did the houses.
3. Using oil pastels, they started with one shape at a time, and drew tiny broken lines to immulate the brush strokes. Some children did not want to do that and used the oil pastels to color in the shapes.
4. After they were done, their teacher found some paint at Michaels with glitter and stars in it, and they were allowed to paint in some of the shapes if they wanted to.
Here are a few examples of how they turned out:
Aren't they great? :)

This is so great! I love VG and to see it in childrens art is even better. It is funny the kids and I painted flowers of VG last week.
That's a fabulous way to introduce them to art! Love their work.
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