Did I mention that I am in Ohio this whole week on business? We are doing the photo shoot for my new book, and I have been here since Sunday.
When I walked into the hotel, I burst out in tears. A week without my babies? A week without my husband? I am a total homebody and I like to be totally immersed in what all my kids are doing. But after a little cry and a coaching session from hubby I was better. Now I am actually enjoying the week!
Tonite I started editing these photos I took last week. Would you indulge me in some bragging?
I am so proud of this kid. Logan and I have been through some semi-rough patches. You know, normal boy stuff...but enough to keep me worried some days. He is turning out to be such a wonderful young man. He is so funny! A natural athlete, Logan is good at everything he tries. He is very loving too. He is a natural born leader, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

Ashton is our sweetheart. This is a boy born with a heart of gold. He would not, and could not, even hurt a fly. Although he is unaware of it, he is a ladies man. His teachers tell me all the little girls want to play with Ashton. He has a one-track mind...when he gets into something it is very hard to tear him away from it. In Kindergarden, he is already reading very well. You usually don't have to tell him to do something more than once, because his gentle spirit does not want to disappoint anyone!

Oh, Ava. My girl. Our only daughter. Precious and cute, she's got an itty bitty temper when things don't go her way. Ava has wonderful manners...she never forgets to say please, thank you, yes mam, yes sir. She is in the midst of three year old fantasy land. She loves to play pretend. She is a caretaker and likes to take charge of Jackson. This little girl has all her brothers and her daddy wrapped around her little finger.

Baby Jackie. Jackson. Jack-Jack. Jax. Bubba. Googie. Googa-waga. The one-year old with 1,000 names.
This little boy does not miss a beat. He thinks he is one of the big kids. Teeny-tiny sits at the big table and eats with a fork and spoon. The highchair was gone almost 2 months ago. He follows all the big ones around. Goes down the big kids slide at the park. Takes off his diaper when it is wet. He may be 15 months old, but he is the youngest of five and intends to keep up with all of them!

We have been so blessed with all of our children. My step-son Carson is 19 years old, and he is such a wonderful young man too!
Can you tell I'm missing them?:)
I'll be back tomorrow with some pictures of my trip...
Sweet pics of the kids!
So does this mean the book will be done soon???! Can't wait!
They are ALL precious!!! What Blessings!
Enjoy your time! (or at least try!)
Welcome to the Buckeye state. I hope you enjoy your visit. Your children are beautiful.
What a bunch if cutie pies!
what a sweet group of precious blessings!! have a safe trip..... :)))
beautiful children you have! have fun on your trip.
Thanks for the pictures! I'm Mimi and even though they are close I'm not always able to visit them. I'm Gramie to another grandchild. I love them all THE WHOLE WORLD PLUS!
What gorgeous children. What a blessing!!
Enjoy your time in Ohio!!
Oh Chrissie! Your kids are beautiful!!! We have kids the same ages....I have a 3yo and 5yo too. You have every right to brag and Be LOUD about it! I hope you enjoyed your time working on your wonderful new book! Congrats on these blessings in your life!
Your children are just beautiful... what blessings!!
I have an Ashton too & he is as sweet as can be. Heart of gold is a perfect description!!
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