Am I the only one who has a running list of things they need or want, but aren't willing to pay full price for?
For a little awhile, I was buying things at garage sales or Goodwill just because they were a great deal and I liked them. A lot of that stuff actually ended up back at Goodwill. So now, I only buy things that I really want or need and then refurbish them.
One of things I've been looking for are pillow forms. I've never made pillows before but wanted to turn some of my artwork into pillows. I finally got lucky this weekend! Three 12 x 12 pillow forms (still in the package) for $1.00. Great deal!:) Here is one of the pillows I made this weekend:

Congratulations girlfriend, you have won a $25 gift card to my Etsy shop.
But guess what? If you didn't get lucky this time~
There is another give-away at The Nester's to my shop, and this time it's a $40 gift card. You better go over and there and enter! There's lots of other cool give-away's as well. She'll be posting a different give-away all day.
Lastly, I have a little joke for those of you who are having a Manic Monday:
A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. 'You all have obsessions, he observed.
To the first mother, Mary, he said, 'You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy.'
He turned to the second Mom, Ann, 'Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny.'
He turned to the third Mom, Joyce, 'Your obsession is alcohol.. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy.'
At this point, the fourth Mother, Kathy, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand and whispered, 'Come on, Dick, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Lets pick up Peter and Willy from school and go get dinner.'
I hope that wasn't too raunchy for you...I thought it was so funny!
Happy Monday!
Yes Indeed! I've noticed how things have been overpriced at Goodwill and thrift stores. Some of the thrift stores I was in this last week should call themselves antique stores with the prices they had. The pillow covers you did find are great!!
love the pillow!
Thankfully near me is a thrift shop whose proceeds go to a cancer hospital and one can find some good bargains - especially in the upstairs room where things are marked 75% off the tag. Being a rug hooker, I can get some great wool clothing for $1-3 each for my hooking, as well as other good finds too.
Don't give up the hunt.
We find GREAT deals up here at thrift stores and the like, but we're so remote it's crazy. We paid $2.00 for a screen door for the back porch on Saturday. Actually, we paid $5.00, but the asking price was $2.00. It's in great shape, just black instead of white! CRAZY! My husband is a fantastic bargainer. I, unfortunately am not so I send him!
anyway, the pillow is FABULOUS!! I'll keep my eyes open for you on deals. (Well, I'll have Paul do it) Send me your list! Even with shipping it's probably less than what you'll pay in a city!
Oh Chrissie! LMAO at your joke! I'm a mental health nurse by trade....I'll have to take that one to work with me!! Tee Hee!!
Congrats on your 100th+ post! And yes, I'm right there with ya sista on the refusal to pay full price! The only time I've ever bought new furniture was for this house, a new custom-built back in 2002. Otherwise, I look for gently used, worthy of redoing!
Our Goodwill thinks they are some sort of upscale boutique lately with their pricing. Its crazy!! There are still deals to be had, though. I need to get away from buying things because they are cute or a good deal. Its a sickness!!
Love your pillow!!
Great deal on the pillow forms. Stuff like that is sooo expensive right now. What a sweet pillow you made! I agree with you on only buying what you really want or need. I used to buy things because they were a great deal too. Alot of it I have been able to sell on Ebay though, so I don't feel too bad!
I don't shop at my thrift stores..they are crazy with the pricing..dollar store items for 5$!! I love the pillow..I believe in angels too! Mary
Hi Chrissie,
The pillow covers are great! I agree with you about the higher prices at the thrift stores. I've seen lots of things I'd like, but when they are carrying same prices as TJ maxx & marshalls, I pass them by.
Thanks for sharing
COngratulations Beth! And Chrissie- that pillow is FABULOUS! The detail is amazing- lovely! Lori
LMBO, the joke was great despite coffee just about choking me because of it.
The pillow is wonderful, I love what you did there, great deal on the pillow forms too.
Ijust tagged you for a meme to share your "sillies" I've a feeling after that joke you might have many to share.
Have a great Monday ;-)
Thanks for the joke! I needed it! hahahaha
I love buying everything at a bargain. The downside is that times sometimes doesn't work out. But if you are patient everything will come to you. Happy Thrifty Monday!
Very nice to find those pillow forms. I've found those before too. And yes, I have to curtail what I bring home, since my house is so full already.
I love thrift stores, especially one we have locally who offers a 25% discount to the military on Thursdays and 2 color coded 1/2 off discounts daily! If I hit it right I can find an item with the right color tag, get half off, plus my 25% discount..can't beat it! I don't go to Goodwill very often, they are overpriced to me most of the time, I do like that they get brand new stuff from Target though.
LMAO at your joke! =)
Wow, 3 pillow forms for $1?! Unbelievable!
Sometimes I look for ugly clearance pillows, or pillows from sample sales at work (when I was working..ha) and would use them as pillow forms. Because "real" pillow forms can be super expensive! I guess someone was going to start a project and never got around to it...their loss, your gain!
Oh me oh my I am half awake at 3:30 and I see this...gosh I couldn't sleep and now I see this...wake me up for sure...WooHoo I won some of your talented work...Thanks so much!
Love those know I saw a toile pillow yesterday and almost bought it but found other things I like better but I think I will go back and pick it up.
And let me check but I might still have something you might want...not sure if I threw them away but let me see....will let you know over the logs
I am in total awe of your talent. Enough said! :)
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