Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Galations 1:10

I started blogging a few years ago. I had the intentions of sharing my love of arts of crafts with like-minded people. I also wanted to be able to post pictures of the kids so family and friends could keep up with our busy lives.
After awhile I started using it as a means of expanding my home business through Etsy and to promote my books. Along the way I have met a lot of good "on-line" friends. I have yet to meet anyone in person (as of yet...)
However, I got very caught up in the boogy man of comparison through blogging. My internal dialogue has occasionally gone something like this~
So and so takes such beautiful photos suck! So and so is homeschooling five kids and still manages to bring in thousands of dollars a month in etsy sales! My art must not be very good...So and so is so in touch with their spirituality and is able to bring glory to God in all of their blog posts...I must not be a very good Christian.YUCK! Double YUCK! I know I am not the only one who has let their little insecurities be influenced by the beauty and inspiration that other bloggers provide us with.
BUT, the good news is, I'm done with that talk!
Yesterday at my Beth Moore Bible study we talked about "The Captivity of Activity". She asked us to look into our hearts and ask ourselves what we are trying to prove and to whom. I realized that I stay very busy sometimes to keep up my house and my projects even when perhaps I should be taking a much-needed rest. Am I trying to impress people I don't even really know? Am I trying to be the best wife, the best mom, the best artist, the best housekeeper, the best fill-in-the-blank? At the expense of time that I could be spending with God, resting and enjoying things, or playing with my kids? What would be wrong with not doing anything one day?
I am accepted in the beloved.
Ephesians 1:6
With all that said, I still love blogging. I love to share my life and my projects. I love to read others blogs and be inspired by all of your projects, by your realizations and truths. You all have lifted me up, you have made me laugh, you have allowed me to want to be a better person.
Let's all make a pact-okay?Let us all be our authentic selves. If that means blogging every day, fine. If it means blogging once a month, fine. Let's not compare ourselves to each other. We are all doing our best as we know it. Let's not leave comments for the sake of getting more popular or getting more "followers". Let's leave comments that are sincere and encouraging. Let us not feel like we have to "keep up" with the other bloggers who seem to have it all together. Let us remember that we all have special gifts and God-given talents...