But...I have also kind of lost some of the intensity I had in the beginning of the year. I was balancing my checkbook and I am embarrassed to admit how much money I spend on my darling Caramel Frappicinos from Starbucks. Let's just say that making them at home 5 days a week will save me over $20 a week. You can google different recipes from the Internet, but here is how I make mine:
- 1 cup of coffee
- 1 cup of milk
- 2 cups of ice
- vanilla caramel creamer ( I don't know exactly how much, but I like mine sweet!)
- caramel topping (2 tbs)
Blend it in your blender and top with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel topping. It's not exactly the same, but it is satisfying. On the morning's that I'm too lazy to get the blender out, I just stir it all together and pour in a cup of ice.
Hey, it's not Rocket Science, but it's saving me over $80 a month, which is almost $1000 a year! Crazy-huh? Oh, and by the way, I still allow myself one or two "real" ones from Starbucks a week.
Go to Beauty and Bedlam for some other recipes. Happy Tuesday:)
Great idea, I think I will go make one right now.
wow....congratulations on paying off your car!! what a great accomplishment! yes, you definitely deserve a caramel frapp!! :)
Wow! little things really add up!- Thanks for the recipe...I guess I'll be blending my own too!! :)
Sounds yummy, I love caramel and I so agree saves tons of money.
Oh boy, I am going to have to try this! Frappaccinnos (sp?) are addictive- and expensive! Good for you for making your own!:) Lori
Congrats on paying off your car! When we first started his plan I NEVER thought it would happen, we too last year paid both cars off. Such a great feeling!
Your coffee drink looks so great!
Ok I am off to skip my cup of coffee and make a glass of iced coffee :)
Your blog is so bright, creative and refreshing! Thanks!
Congrats on paying off your car, that's a huge accomplishment! Mine has been paid off for a while, but just a few months ago, we paid off hub's car and a credit card. About to pay off my remaining student loans. Luckily, we aren't even having to use any of my severance $ to do it (severance is still in savings..yay!). It sure feels good!
I also started making my fave chai tea lattes at home. It does save a lot of $.
We're DR fans too and working on that BS2!!! It cannot go fast enough can it?! And I make fraps and yummy coffees at home all the time....love them even better than 'Bucks----All it takes is some creamers, a blender and yummy syrups. We've got a great little mom n' pop coffee place close by and I can get my stash of supplies there. Love it!
I love this!! I am SUCH a coffee addict, and was convinced the only way to get "iced" coffee was from a coffee shop (wow, am I really that unintelligent?)! But this alone will save me a ton of money! Thank yoU!
I bought an espresso machine at a garage sale for $3, a bottle of vanilla syrup for $5 and I've been making my own addiction (vanilla lattes) at home for two weeks now. I have to try to make a frappacino, it sounds delicious!
YEA for you!! Paying your car off is HUGE, but yep, those fraps will get you everytime...hee hee.
This is a great recipe and I love your commentor that bought a machine at a yard sale. I'll be on the hunt. :)
Congrats on the car payoff!!! We're slowly paying off our credit cards and I "celebrate" everytime one more goes away! I live in MN and while visiting Michigan a few months ago, I fell in love with Tim Horton's blended coffee drinks. My sister sent me a recipe (found it on the internet) and I blended it up in my little Bullet blender . . . tastes just like it in my opinon! Think I'll go make one now!
Congrats on paying off your van. We love DR...and we are DEBT FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (except for our mortgage)
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