I haven't been thrifting in a long time, but I've been on the look out for a few things so I went to Goodwill today. I didn't find anything I was looking for, but I did find this 99 cent pile of sticks.

It already had the hook on it and I didn't even want to spray paint it. I hung it in my bathroom to hang all my earrings. What do you think it was originally made for?

This is my favorite pair. I'm thinking of getting a short haircut again where you can actually see my earrings. My husband likes my hair long, and I've been trying to grow it out. But it just doesn't look like it used to.

How about you? Do you wear your hair like your husband likes it, or do you care? Or does he even care, for that matter?:)
I think we all want our husband to think our hair is beautiful, right? But if I don't FEEL beautiful, I don't think I'll look the part.
Short hair is so much easier, and in my case, I'm in need of style.
I'd love to hair (hear) ha ha your thoughts on it.
I use to wear my hair long because I liked it but hubby likes it short. Now I wear it short and we both like it! It's great for showing off earrings and I like how my headbands look now. It's easy peasy too!
I do like your Goodwill find by the way...not sure what it's original use was.
I had to laugh when I read your post! I have been thinking about getting my hair cut short as well! My husband is like yours....he LOVES long hair! And like you said, it isn't like is was a long time ago! Plus, with two kids it is soo hard to find the time to put into it! I miss short hair! Post a photo if you do decide to get it cut! You'll still look beautiful either way! :)
How cute for your earrings!! Perfect! I have always had short hair, when I try to grow it I hate it, it's just not me. I love short hair, there are so many cute trendy short hairdos! I am sooooo particular about my hair, but brave, Everytime I go get it cut I show her a new do and tell her to just do something with it, lol. My husband loves mine short but I honestly think he could care less if it was long or short lol as long as I like it! Plus I feel it thins out my face and haha I need all the thinnning I can get! Let us know what you decide!
What a creative repurpose, Chrissy, thanks for linking up! My hair dilema is curly vs. straight, and my husband seems to like it either way. That's good, because I change my mind weekly. :)
My husband likes my hair long and I've been holding off on cutting it because of that (and I lOVE throwing it up in a pony tail) but every time I get it cut short he likes it too. So really, I'm just scared that I won't like my short cut and if I don't, I won't be able to pony tail it.
I just bought a beautiful antique wooden birdcage this summer at a flea market. Your Goodwill find looks just like the bottom of the cage that slides out for cleaning purposes.
I don't have a clue but I love what you are using it for!
I had been trying to grow my hair out because my husband likes it that way, but I wanted it short. I mentioned it and my hubby told me to go get my hair cut the next day. I didn't because I wanted him to like it. So that night he was brushing my hair and asked me how short I was wanting it. I told him and I didn't know it, but he had scissors. He cut my hair a little longer than I wanted so I would be forced to go get my hair done the next morning.
me too! i wear my hair long for hubby... crazy!
in my whole life, the longest my hair has been is to my shoulders. and, it's usually in a short pixie-ish crop. my husband has ever really said it makes much difference to him, but he always comments on its cuteness when it's cut in a bob. so, i'm thinkin' that's his favorite. i think you have to feel cute to look cute, unless you're heidi klum or gisele bundchen. i tend to think women with shorter hair have a quiet aire of confidence. but, men seem hard wired to think our hair is our 'crowning glory'. imagine that. but, i still think it can be short and be glorious, too. ;) good luck with your decision.
Cute find, I need some jewelry storage, my thrift store found box is over-floweth...
I wear my hair just below my shoulders right now, the end of my funky in-between stage. I cut it short short before I found out about my last pregnancy, and have been wishing I didn't for a little over a year now. My hus likes it long, and I am a messy bun, t-shirt and jeans kinda girl. Actually, I'm not sure what got into me to cut it so short, it was dang cute though...
I used to have long hair, but have had shorter hair for a while now. My hair always looks great, thus I feel great (a little sassy too). I love looking "put-together" as opposed to having my hair up in a big clip.
hi sugar! i cut my hair. i hate it. and the other night i busted jason...when he came home from work i was all dolled up and lookin cute and he said to me (without thinking) "see honey you look pretty no matter what your hair looks like!" ugh. point made.
and oops, this is listing under his log in for some reason.....i love you and i miss you!!
My husband likes my hair long & ponytails are really easy for me with a toddler.
Using your GW find for earrings is a great idea. I wonder if it was for cut ribbons? Or part of a halloween decoration?
I would make thank you notes for my daughers to use after birthdays and Christmas.
I did it....I cut my hair shorter than ever before and I love it!! So much more edgy and stylish than my long hair.
GENIUS!! I am not sure what the original use was, but i couldn't have been as great as the one you came up with or it wouldn't have been at GW!!
Did I mention it was a GENIUS idea?!
Hey I'm a new reader and love your blog. Are your earrings Thomas Mann?? I own a small boutique in Northern Indiana and we sell his line of jewelry. Such awesome stuff, and after just briefly skimming around your blog, it totally looks like stuff you would appreciate! Love your work.
Your hair looked even better before?! It looks superb. If you want to flaunt your earrings, wear your hair up or back. I'll never understand why so many women cut their sexy hair off after 35. Long hair is so jaw-dropping for a guy.
I have been trying to grow my hair out for years but get frustrated when it starts getting "caught" on my collar and end up cutting it short again - right now it is about to my shoulders.
As for your find - my gran used to have something like this that she hung pasta on to dry - not sure if that's what it was originally for but necessity is the mother of invention - right?
It's interesting your thoughts on hair. I think it must differ for each person. I recently cut mine (It used to sit on my shoulder blades and now it just sits on my shoulders, with shorter layers) and I have to say that I kinda feel like I've been neutered! The weird thing is - my husband loves it!!!
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