Are you ready for lots of pictures? We've been busy around here at the Grace household...
I don't show many pictures of my step-son on my blog. He is a tad camera shy and would probably kill me for posting this. But he turned twenty this week and we celebrated with a coconut cream pie and the cheesiest candle ever! Can you believe we didn't have any real birthday candles? Anyway, Happy Birthday Carson!!

We dropped off the baby on Sunday at my mother-in-laws and took the kids to play putt-putt. Such a simple thing really, but we had so much fun. The kids love when we go on "special" outings.

Ashton had his own putting style: hit, stop the ball, hit, stop the ball...very amusing.

Logan is the competitive one and kept score the whole time...

He also took lots of pictures. I love that! Now when we look back it will actually look like I was there sometimes. Am I the only Mom that's always behind the lens?

It was such a beautiful day. Chilly for a February day in Florida, but full of clear and bright sunshine!

Now on to an exciting family announcement...
We have had a new member join our family.

Long story short:
We've been wanting to get the kids a puppy. We met Henry last week because our neighbors were fostering him. Now, my husband is much more of a big-dog person. But I brought him over to visit...

and he hasn't left since:)

We think he is a chihuaha-greyhound mix. He is almost four and completely house and crate trained. He is great with the kids. He has fit perfectly into our family.

And no matter how good of friends we may be, you are not allowed to make fun of his sweater, his snaggle tooth, or his buggy eyes. I happen to think they are quite endearing:)

Last but not least, I have been painting. I can't wait to show you...soon I promise!
Happy Wednesday friends.
your stepson is quite the handsome young man! love the pics of your family outing, great you were included and yes as Mom I'm usually the one behind the lens!
A lot has been happening at your place! Happy birthday to your stepson! Congrats on the new 4 legged member of your family!
Dogs add so much to my kids lives! They learn compassion and responsibility and LOVE. I agree with Diva that your stepson is very handsome with those beautiful eyes. At least your chilly day didn't have snow on the ground. How I would love to be outside in the sunshine with the kids. We had to go to an indoor arcade/jungle gym with the kids to get out of the house!
Sounds like a perfect outing,, He is a handsome young man. I wouldnt have guessed he was your step son, he looks like you. I often have to hand somebody the camera and tell them to take a pic so there's proof i actually existed.. you're not alone.. love the new family member, he's adorable.
What a fun time with the kids. You are such a beautiful family.
Your puppy is too cute. My kids would love him. We have a beagle and the two huskies from my bil will be living here soon.
Happy Birthday to your stepson!!
Happy Birthday Carson and congratulations on the arrival of the new puppy. he looks cute and I think my kitten would have fun with him. No doubt we will be hearing henry antics on your blog soon. x
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