I have been very intentional about taking good care of myself...doing my devotionals in the early morning, eating well, drinking lots of water, making healthy food to eat, spending time outside in the sunshine, even exercising! It has taken me away from the computer quite a bit, but that's okay!
I painted this fun little piece last week too...
Craft Nerd and Proud of It! ;)
I have fallen in love again with my watercolors!
You can order an 8 x 10 copy right here if you'd like :)
Do any of you do the Word of the Year?
I've never chosen one before, but I'm thinking I have one for now.
I am learning to simplify and prioritize again, and lean into God for some healing.
So for now, my little word is "Quiet".
It's been a good thing.
Have a blessed weekend friends and I'll see you next week!
Quiet is a good wood. "Be still and know that I am God." My word is Healthy. ouch!
"Be still and know that I am God"(from the commenter above): I have a printable that says that hanging over my desk at school(I teach at a Christian school so thats allowed:)). Those words have carried me this past week. We had a fire here on Wednesdat night and are awaiting smoke damage assessments. Its been a test of my patience(it is so NOT fun being in a smelly, smoky house for days on end while you wait). But God orchestrated everything and there are no surprises with Him. We're thankful that we're safe and for an amazing neighbor who took charge when we werent home to save our pets that he knew were inside.
My word for this year is "Creativity."
Love this print:O) My word has always been and always will be Peace:O) I just love that word
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