Do you want to see how I got this look of pure joy from my boy?
A volcano kit!
We had a rough week last week. A lot of sickness spread through the house-a week full of antibiotics, steroids, nebulizer treatments, and lots of laying around watching television.
After a few of days of constant electronic bombardment, we set a new rule in our house:
30 minutes of screen time a day...that includes television, computer, and any other electronic device.
We actually used to have this rule and it slowly got lost. But I am happy to say that it's back!
I feel the kids have been sooooooo much more creative since we re-instated this rule...a lot more time is spent outside, exploring, playing board games, reading, building forts, and playing imaginary games. Makes me happy.
I also found this quote and I love it and need it right in front of me during this phase of parenting/child-rearing that I am. Feel free to right click on it and print it for yourself. ;)
I'll be back soon with an actual etsy shop update! It's been a long time.
Have a wonderful day Friends!
Oh my goodness, that print says it all! Its what our family is all about. Thanks for sharing:)
wow, that print really is great, and convicting. we were given an xbox for Christmas and i'm struggling with the management of it. over the summer, i'd give the kids tickets (like carnival tickets) - 5 per week. they were good for 30 min of "screen time" on any of the things you mentioned. when they were gone, they were gone. i may need to go back to that too. thanks for sharing.
oops on the deleted comment above!
I LOVE that print! I struggled with those things listed at times when my son was younger but I persevered and it did help! He is 18 now and getting ready to graduate high school and computer time and such is a bit harder to control but since he was raised with doing other things he does great! I have the best son ever, he is a great kid and I have had it sooo easy with him! God had a major part in that actually but I know God put those guidelines in my life :)
thanks for posting!
Love it! Thank you! Printing and hanging on our fridge. I also love the other posters idea of carnival tickets! May try that with my five year old.
BTW - where did you get your volcano kit?!
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