I will admit that sometimes I get a little carried away with my art, and I just want to be by myself and create. But given that my children's needs are much more important, there is many a day that my creating is limited to one or two 10 minute intervals in a day.
Sometimes I will set a goal for myself, and when it is not accomplished, I am disappointed in myself. I have to remind myself that God is in control, and if that goal was not accomplished, than He is telling me that I am not ready for it.
I am certain that God would not put these big dreams in my heart if they were not meant to be, so when my goals are not realized, I try to accept that the time is not right.
"When disappointment or rejection knocks you down, get back up and go again. We give up too easily on our dreams. We need to understand that just as God supernaturally opens doors, sometimes God supernaturally closes doors. And when God closes a door, it's always because He has something better in store."
-Joel Osteen
"Dwell on things that are pure, things that are wholesome, things that are of a good report."
Phillipians 4:8
Chrissie cuando lei tus palabras sentí de alguna forma que PapaDios estaba hablándome a través tuyo. Gracias por compartir esa sabiduría y palabras de aliento.
I tagged you, do you want to play? visit my blog.
What a beautiful reminder that it truly is in His hands.
Thank you
I'm wondering if you need to change one of the words in the first quote from "opens" to "closes". Love the Philippians verse! It applies to me today.
Hi Chrissie,
Thanks so much for your comments on my blog. I'm so glad you found me and now I found you:) I loved this post because I too have dreams to someday "do" something with my art.
I love being a SAHM and hope to make a living doing what I love when both my girls are in school full days. We just have to trust the dreams and visions God has given us and believe that the timing is all His. Great quotes.
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